Join Me In Veracruz’s Tropical Melting Pot

January 21-28, 2017

Here in Veracruz you will be engulfed with sensations…the sounds, sights and tastes of this port of call of Spanish conquistadors, and their African slaves, along with those already a part of this first Mesoamerican civilization.

Chef Rick Bayless and Chef Ricardo Munoz will share their knowledge of the local cuisine and regional food historian and anthropologist, Raquel Torres will give a class on Afro-Caribbean dishes.

— While there, sit on the zocalo in the port and listen to the music and the incessant rhythm of daily life.

— Tap your spoon for a café con leche at the over 200 year old Gran Café de la Parroquia.

—Visit the villages of La Antigua and Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, where Cortes first landed in 1519.

— See the site of the ancient city of El Tajin where the Totonac “flying dancers” perform their ceremonial aerial dance, hanging by their feet from a tall pole and slowly spinning to the ground.

—Stay in Coatepec, Mexico’s coffee capital.

—Travel to a vanilla orchid growing region and see vanilla being processed.

—Spend time at the magnificent Museo de Antropologica in Xalapa.

—Join me in eating my favorite mole in Xico, made, of all things, prunes…and of course, other

ingredients, as well.


For more information, Contact Marilyn Tausend or Carmen Barnard at Culinary Adventures Inc.
